Bank Loan Auto Appraisals
If you are purchasing a vehicle, particularly one that is considered not “standard”, your bank or loan officer may require an inspection and auto appraisal prior to approving your loan. A Certified Auto Loan Appraisal will serve as written documentation of the vehicle’s trim level, features, and any obvious major issues discovered during the inspection process.
Our auto appraisal provides peace of mind to both the Financial Institution and the Borrower that the amount of the loan obtained is appropriate in comparison to the actual market value of the vehicle.
We handle a wide variety of rare, custom, and specialty auto appraisals, including:
Antiques and classics
Stock or custom motorcycles
Handicap conversion vans
Stock or custom recreational vehicles
Boats and yachts
“Project” cars
Rebuilt salvage vehicles
Custom-built muscle cars and street racers
High-end restorations and “pro tour” builds
Commercial trucks and equipment
Oftentimes, Loan Officers will require proof of the Appraiser’s Certification prior to acceptance of an auto appraisal, and we are happy to provide them with any documentation they require.
We recommend that you consult with your Loan Officer prior to the auto appraisals for a list of their requirements in order to ensure our appraisal meets their unique criteria and your loan is processed quickly.
Contact us today at cars@autoappraise.com for more information!